Sunday, February 7, 2016

Kate's 2015 and 2016

It's that time of the year again. I actually look forward to complete these posts, since I don't do any other blogging the rest of the year. Maybe that will change. They do get harder each year, especially when I don't see much "newness" that happened compared to other years. These are in no particular order. Hope you enjoy!

Memorable Moments of 2015

1. Alyssa's wedding. Earlier than expected but it was perfect. I spent the night down in Delta with her the night before. It was only family and close friends so it made me feel special being there.
2. Andy started school. He is so close to be half way done. He took two classes in the summer (both A's) and then SIX this fall all while taking care of his crazy wife and working part-time (sometimes full time). He did that while getting 5 A's and one B. I am very proud of him.
3. I had 3 of my products launch for Young Living. These are products that I research, work with the vendor on prototypes, and then finally present to the owners to see if it meets their requirements. It is crazy to think people are buying what I made, but I am proud of all three and how well they are doing.
4. Going to Texas for convention was nice, but what made it great was spending two days with Annie and her family. It truly helped ground myself and remind me what I want and how I want to be. Thank you for the visit Annie. It meant more than you will ever know.
5. Disneyland! I got to go with some coworkers for one night. Not near enough time and not the exact company I wanted to be with, but it was wonderful. I love Disneyland and have only gone one other time when I was six. We are planning to do a family trip with the Cecotti family in 2017.
6. We met a miracle this year. Our nephew Tuck was born on October 1st. He was born with a hole in his diaphragm (CDH) which caused his digestive organs to grow in his chest cavity and suppressed his lung growth. Lacey had to deliver in Salt Lake and doctors had to immediately intubate Tuck since he couldn't breath. They were originally told them that Tuck had an extreme case and there was a chance he could not make it. His surgery was successful. He had/has a long road of recovery, but he has overcome so much. He has a tough little spirit and he alone has grown my testimony the most this year.
7. Tuck was released from the hospital on December 23rd. It was an emotional day. Prayers are answered. The Reed family was all together for Christmas.
8. Amidst this trial, Lacey spent 3 months living with us. I loved having her here and getting to know her better. She may think I am crazy now but I do feel close to her.
9. I have discovered a love for cross stitch. It has given me something to do while Andy is at work/homeworking. It makes me happy. :)
10. It might be pathetic but one of the "top moments" for me was seeing Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I may be a closet fan girl of Star Wars ever since I was six. It was pretty great seeing this new installment with Andy.
11.Grandma Dyson (Andy's Grandma) passed away in March this year. That was hard to go through. She is a wonderful lady and a great example. She seriously treats everyone like family. I am grateful that she is rid of her earthly trials and body, and she can be free to live in the presence of Christ. 
12. I lost a little bit of weight. Not a lot but improvement. I got a Fitbit which has made me a bit more aware of my activity level. I can tell a difference in my endurance levels. I went to two trade shows for work this year. The first in March, I had to sit the second day because of the shine splints I had. The one in October though, I had no problem walking all day long.  
13. I had a Durham Cousin dinner this year. It was great because I never see my Durham cousins. They are all older than me so I didn't really know them growing up. It was good to spend some time to get to know them.
14. While my sister was in town, I got to spend some time with her. She had a rough year last year with two adoptions falling through while they were in Ukraine. I opened up to her about our infertility troubles, and we shared our troubles with our father (now on his fourth divorce). It wasn't all gloom, but I definitely feel more connected and more understood. Sometimes I forget that I am not alone in a specific situation and I shut everyone out. I have worked on being more open with my trials. It can help me as well as others.
15. This is the first year in our marriage that we haven't moved. It turned out to be a blessing for Lacey so she could be close to Tuck. Andy points that out regularly. It is probably the real reason that we needed to move to Salt Lake, rather than closer to Lehi. It has been nice though not to pack up our lives again and start anew somewhere else.

We found that this year wasn't very eventful for us personally. We walked the same trials that we have been walking, but not much new came our way. We found this to be a blessing because we could be there for the many family members and friends that were going through difficulties.

*I took a break from finishing this post because of some sad family news. Tuck passed away on January 12th after being back in the hospital for one week with pneumonia. This was truly devastating  and made me step back and reflect. I want to make sure that I make goals this year to better myself. There is too much bad in this world and I want to be less negative and bring more positive to the world. This year will be in remembrance of Tuck.*

Goals and Vision for 2016

1. This will always be the number one on my list...I hope to find answers this year so we can be on our way to starting a family.
2. We are looking to buy a home! We have to move North to have Andy finish school so we will be looking somewhere between Layton and Roy. I am excited to be back in the area we both love, even if it means taking the train to work.
3. With the home, I want to start home improvement projects. I want to explore decorating and tackle some cosmetic projects that I have been "researching" on HGTV for the past few years.
4. I have a goal to lose 50 lbs. This will take some work, but it isn't unreasonable for where I am and I know if I just put everything into it, then it is possible.
5. I want to read 12 books this year. I have slacked off reading and want to pick it back up.
6. I want to take a trip with Andy.
7. I want to finish two cross-stitching projects. (my big Disney ones)
8. I want to horse back ride more. Being closer to my mom's will make this a bit easier :)
9.I need to go to the temple more. I felt like I was on a spiritual high after Tuck went home. I knew prayers were answered and miracles happen. Him passing is a real trial of that faith. I know I can find peace in the temple.
10. I want to take more pictures. Now that Andy spoiled me with a new camera, I need to put it to good use and document our life better.
11. I want to budget well all year. We have never kept a budget. We have been lucky that things just work out month to month. I want to keep a budget all year and then look back on how financially successful we can be. It has been a goal of mine to take out no loans for Andy's school. So far, so good. I would love to make a real dent in mine by the end of the year. The real goal is to have my loans payed off by the time he graduates (2018).
12. Attitude. I want to be more optimistic. I tend to be more on the negative side in situations. I want to be a problem solver, and be more self-reliant. I believe if I improve on myself, then it will benefit others, especially Andy. He is probably the most affected by my depression and self-doubt.
13. I want to read the Book of Mormon and the D&C the whole way through this year. I need to create a habit of doing this in the morning so that my attitude throughout the day can be lifted.
14. I look forward to spending more time with my family this year. I have grown closer to some last year and I want to continue these relationships and build up others.
15. I look forward to finishing more products for Young Living and connecting with the members this convention. I love working for a company with such passionate members and owners.
16. 2016 started out with some major lows. However, I am a big believer in with negative comes positive. I am looking forward to recognizing the positives with more appreciation no matter how small the blessings may seem. 

Monday, December 29, 2014

Kate's 2014 and 2015

I know this is early but I thought I would post before I forgot. I am not going to put the "best" moments of 2014, just the most memorable moments. Times were sometimes hard but I look back at this year with fondness and feel happy and content in the present moment. As for 2015, I am going to include goals I have rather than just events that I want to occur.


  1. One of the top things I looked forward to this year...Graduation! It feels weird to think I am a college graduate but I would take that weird feeling any day.
  2. Taking Ceramics in my final semester. I seriously loved this class and want to find some city classes to take as well. It was a great stress reliever and just something different to explore. 
  3. Started working at Young Living. I love this job! It is the right fit for me. I got extremely lucky especially since it was my first "big girl" interview.
  4. I lived away from Andy for six weeks while transitioning down to Salt Lake. It was very difficult even though I went up every weekend. I gained much appreciation for him during this time. We hadn't spent a night apart since getting married so it needed to happen sometime. I don't want to go through it again but at least I know I could if we needed to.
  5. My grandpa George passed away in June. This wasn't shocking. He has been suffering a lot these past few years, even more so since July of last year. I was emotionally prepared and I did get my goodbye. It is nice to know he is with his son and playing his guitar again.
  6. With the new job that meant a move. Logan was good to us and it will hold a special place in my heart. I like the area we are in now, but hopefully we find somewhere as dear to us as Logan. This was the easiest move ever though.
  7. Rio (our nephew) being born. This was a crazy weekend when we went to his blessing. But it worked out and I love my in-law family.
  8. Going to Comic Con. It is definitely not our scene, but we did have a blast going. Andy got to meet some of his TV/book heroes and I enjoyed looking through all the little booths of stuff.
  9. My grandma Cherie passing away in October. This was a shock. She had been fine living in the nursing home for four years. I hadn't gotten a chance to say goodbye and this hit me pretty hard. I felt sad because I thought she may have been alone her whole life. She never got remarried. It wasn't until my mom's talk at her funeral that I found peace. I remembered how much she valued and loved the gospel and how she tried to live her life as perfectly as she could. I will remember her example in my life.
  10. We made our first Thanksgiving Turkey! and it was delicious. We actually had 4 Thanksgivings total, so there was a lot of gratitude during the month of November.
  11. Danny came home! It's weird, but it's good.
  12. Because #11 happened, a miracle occurred. I honestly never thought I would see this day. Danny and I had lunch with BOTH sets of parents AND it wasn't awkward, no one yelled, and nobody died. I seriously am still in shock and am eternally grateful to have that memory.
  13. There was some good friend moments for me this past year: Last midnight pizza with Alyssa, Red Iguana and Leatherby's, Franny's wedding, Graduation with my classmates and taking silly pictures. I have been blessed to have so many people in my life that make life so enjoyable and wonderful. Thank you ladies for being a big part of that! I love you!
  14. Getting pregnant is something that we pray for daily. It is a trial for me. I will be going to a doctor sometime next month to check everything out. However, I am waiting for that "special event" to do so. This is the worst part. I am late right now; almost three weeks. But every test has been negative so far. Maybe I am pregnant but we are unsure right now (so this bullet may change). I have gotten comfort on difficult nights and I am gaining some patience. So, this is not a "moment" but rather something that has taken up a majority of my thoughts. If I could ask, please pray for us as we search for answers.


  1. Same goal as last year, I would like to be on the road to starting our family this upcoming year. I hope this is meant to happen soon.
  2. No soda in 2015.
  3. I want to read more this year, and with that I want to write a little bit. Nothing big, but I want to try my hand at writing.
  4. Andy will start school again this next year. Yay!
  5. I look forward to seeing one of my projects I have started at work being finished. It will be so cool to hold a final project that I helped create.
  6. I want to go on one trip with Andy this year. Even if it is just Southern Utah, this will happen.
  7. With the no soda thing, I hope to make improvements in order to be more healthy.
  8. The potential of Danny getting married. I am not saying it is going to happen, but I am open to the possibility :)
  9. I want to do more crafting. Maybe some ceramics as well. I have discovered this is something I enjoy and I want to expand that.
  10. I want to read the scriptures every day. This is a habit I have fallen out of but I know that I could benefit greatly by making it a priority in my life.
  11. I look forward to Alyssa's wedding! I am so happy that she has found her person, even if that means she leaves to Texas. (Will someone please tell me why everyone is moving to Texas?)
  12. I hope to find the perfect spot for us to live. We probably won't be buying a house but we want to go maybe somewhere cheaper, or maybe this place will feel more like home.
  13. I want to horseback ride again. It has been far too long! Last time was before I was married.
  14. I want to take more notice of the everyday blessings that happen in my life and be more grateful.
  15. I am excited mostly for the new adventures that await us and for spending the time with my husband.
These lists seems pretty lame but I am happy of where things are and we don't have much planned for the new year. I mainly want to focus on improving myself and being happy. Thanks for reading and I can't wait to read your lists as well. Happy New Year!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Time for a Change

Hi girlies!

This was a private message on facebook, but that was getting outrageously long so I thought I'd throw it over here instead.



A personal facebook novel written by Annie Hull to her beloved soul sistas.

Okay, so you know how we had talked pregnancy stuff? (Franny, to bring you up to speed, Chelsea's Mike asked about how much more emotional/hormonal he could expect Chelsea to be when pregnancy comes along.) This is just a to-whom-it-may-concern-or-interest follow-up.

I have been UNBELIEVABLY more of a basketcase this pregnancy than last. Emotional, depths of despair, depressed... the nasty stuff. There are many different factors that are likely playing into that, but I'd like to cite one huge one in case you ever want to remember it for the future:  I haven't been exercising the way I did when I was pregnant with Eliza. Especially during the first trimester with Eliza, I was walking A TON. Like miles and miles and miles. This was largely motivated by the adage that walking during pregnancy makes for easier deliveries. (Which I believe in.) I was slightly terrified of labor and figured this was one little aspect of it I could have control over--prepping my body the best that I could.

My mileage slowly decreased through the second and third trimesters as the months got colder. However, during the second trimester and into the third, I was in a Zumba class in college where I worked my tail off twice a week. I also generally did Zumba on my own at home one or two other days during the week and walked every so often.

And, for the record, my nutrition was pretty decent. Not wow-your-socks-off healthy, and Blake and I definitely did a lot of pregnancy craving runs to Panda Express, but I was getting a lot of fruits and vegetables... I guess just a good, balanced diet. That has been considerably less of the case this go around. Less fast food, but also less wholesome, well-balanced food.

I'm not saying it's a cure-all, but I'm definitely feeling motivated to up my exercise in the hopes that I can be more even keel for the next few months. And I feel even more motivated to be active during future pregnancies right from the start. It's kind of hard to *start* being active halfway through a pregnancy... I'm having to start out annoyingly slow and my body would WAY rather just sit on the couch. It's much easier to just be active from the get-go... You don't really have to let-up at all with workout intensity unless you or your doctor feel like you should.

Just thought I'd throw that out there. Might come in handy someday. Also, if anyone is interested, there's a Word of Wisdom health challenge that I think I'm going to be starting shortly. (It's an excel spreadsheet--you get points for eating fruits, vegetables, drinking water, refraining from soda, exercising, etc. Just normal good stuff--nothing extreme.)  If you want to join, I'd welcome the company and group motivation.:)

Hope everything's going well for everybody! Love you!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Blessings from 2013 and Looking forward to 2014

As per Annie's request, here is my list of the best moments of 2013 and what I am looking forward to in 2014. I have had a little more trouble than I did last year coming up with moments that I feel note-worthy. 2013 for me was a bit of a difficult year. However, I don't think I dwell on those lows. There were a lot of simple "happinesses" (I made up that word, just go with it) that really mean the world to me. I think I have grown a lot from last year and these little things are what I will share. I am so grateful for Andy for he really stuck it out with me and we are looking forward to what is to come. Let's make him the first thing of 2013 shall we?...


1. My loving husband. This year has just even more so solidified my love for him. I am not going to say that we have everything figured out but I will say that it just keeps getting better. Just the little moments that we have shared last year have made all the difference.
2. Elder Durham's farewell. It was a little strange seeing little Danny leave on his mission but it has been so neat seeing how his testimony has grown and how strong he is in the gospel. He loves Arkansas.
3. Moving to our own place. We love our little town home. It just holds such a sweet spirit that Andy and I can just focus on us and building our future.
4. We have been lucky with Andy's job. Even though it isn't a permanent place that he wants to stay, he has gained so many skills this past year that I know will help our future family.
5. Making friends in my own major. This is something that was pretty hard for me. I wanted to know people that I was graduating with. Also it is nice to have those few people that have multiple classes with you that understand your complete work load. I am not trying to shun other majors but I feel like I am getting all I can out of my degree now. 
6. We bought a car. Noted I am still a little overly cautious with it but it really has been a blessing to us.
7. Going to Caldwell, ID for Thanksgiving. Andy drove me around town and showed me where he grew up.
8. I got two new nephews and one new niece. One of the nephews and niece were born on the same day.
9. Deciding to put the birth control on hold for now. This was a difficult one but the outcome has been tremendous. I was depressed for a good part of the year and it has been a night and day difference in my emotions. When we do decide to go back on I will have to try something different but for now it is good.
10. My testimony of the Holy Ghost has grown this year. I particular as a comforter. The future holds many trials and I know that he will be right there on my side.
11. Andy using his Priesthood. He is still relatively new to this, but he honors it so well. I am grateful for the blessings he has been able to give me and receive from his family. I also got a little teary eyed seeing him in the circle blessing our nephew. One day he will do that for our children.
12. Reuniting with friends and family after long absences. From our gatherings to seeing my sisters to seeing other friends that have gone away. It is nice to know that I have that connection with so many amazing people.
13. School really has been a blessing, mainly this past semester. I finally feel like it is making sense, that it is falling into place. My new job at the library has really kept me on top of things. I am starting to understand why I was prompted so many years ago to go into Biochemistry.

Onto 2014....

1. Graduation. It is still later than I thought, but it is official. I will graduate May 3, 2014 and I cannot wait.
2. Finding a job in my field. I am a little sick of minimum wage jobs and I just want to do more meaningful work.
3. Moving. With a job we know we will be moving. However, we have no idea where yet. Cache Valley is just not the right place for us so we shall see what happens. (I am a bit nervous about this one).
4. Potentially buying a house. Depending on where we are at location wise and financially. I can't wait to actually nail something into my walls.
5. Temple trips. I want to do more this year. I love the temple.
6. Hopefully getting pregnant this year. Just something that has been at the forefront of our minds and we feel it might be time for our family to grow. (Not pregnant yet ;) )
7. More dates with the husband. We are indoor people for sure but we have both made a pact to get out more and do things together.
8. A new niece/nephew in July.
9. Did I mention graduating? That one deserves two bullet points.
10. Learning more about myself and improving on some shortcomings I have.
11. My sister is adopting two little girls from Ukraine, hopefully this Spring. This is one thing I am extremely excited for and something that has been in talks for a long time.
12. Cecotti Reunion. We think this will happen this year in Washington and honestly, I have not met any of the Cecotti side of Andy's family (other than Dad and sisters). And I have always wanted to see Washington.
13. Continued moments with family. I am really blessed in that area.
14. Watching our marriage grow. Another year down, eternity to go.

Well there you have it. Hopefully it wasn't too boring of a list. It was quite a fun list to compile. Smile, Life's Good

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 and 2013

First off, I thought of all you girls this past New Year's and the "red" New Year's of past. Oh how I love you girls.  A friend of mine did this on her blog and I liked the idea instead of resolutions. I don't believe strictly in New Year's resolutions rather than I like to think that any day we can make ourselves better. Any way, the idea is to list the top 12 favorite moments of 2012 and then what 13 things you are looking forward to in 2013. So here it goes for me:

Favorite moments of 2012:

1. Being eternally sealed to my best friend. This honestly was the best day of my life and I still tear up a bit if I think to hard about being able to spend all of eternity with my sweetheart.
2. Going through the temple with Andy. Because he was unable to go on a mission earlier in his life, that meant we spent this experience for the first time together. It was an incredible experience and I was so happy that both of our parents were there. I had a special moment with my mother-in-law there that I can not forget.
3. My brother opening his mission call. He starts serving Jan. 16th doing the Lord's work in Little Rock, Arakansas.
4. Lynn coming home from Virginia. He finally has a job that allows him to be home with my mom all the days of the week. The first time in their marriage and it makes me so happy to know my mom is not home alone with us kids gone.
5. Thanksgiving in Rexburg. We had Thanksgiving with Andy's family. It was the first time in 13 years the whole family was together for that holiday. Very special.
6. This one isn't really a happy moment but it made my testimony in families are forever even stronger. My sister's three month old Jace past away in February. It was hard on the whole family, but we felt comfort from the Holy Ghost that day more than I had felt before. The Church is true!
7. Opening my Christmas gift and seeing my beautiful picture of the Bountiful Temple. Could you believe that it was actually hard to find one! Every store we had looked had so many temples but that one. I didn't think it was an obscure one at all. And I love that my husband knew that was the perfect gift for me. It just makes me happy.
8. Getting an A in my Biochem class. This is a class I actually had to take over again. It whipped me hard last time. And the moment I looked at that final grade, I felt so triumphant. It was like after the AP Calc exam. Just a huge relieve.
9. This is also a weird one. Two days after our wedding I got so badly sick it was insane. I don't think it has ever been this bad. On top of that we didn't have any furniture yet so for some reason that only intensified my misery. However, I then had a husband that made me soup, carried me to our nest of blankets, held me, and blessed me. It was the most secure I had ever felt.
10. Spending time catching up with Annie while driving to and from Chelsea's Bacholerette party. Seriously that search for the bathroom makes me chuckle about how frantic we were to this day. Maybe I am just silly to remember something like that. Plus talking with Annie is always a joy in my eyes.
11. I am pretty sure this happened in 2012 but it might have been late 2011, but when I received the fearless text from Chelsea marking her first kiss. I loved that one line from a Taylor song, and I instantly knew what was going on. I love that I think of you girls when her music comes on, even with her new album as well.

That was a little harder than I thought and I think I ramble a little too much. But now onto 2013 (I think this will be even more difficult). This year I look forward to:

1. Seeing Sister Mendenhall again. I have been so bad at writing to her but I think about her so much and can't wait to talk to her, hug her, and just be near her wonderful spirit again. The end of this month!
2. Meeting two new little lives in the next couple of months. Our own Mrs. Hull's baby girl and a nephew on Andy's side. Not going to lie, it makes me baby hungry a lot, however, the plan is to wait after I graduate. Let's see how that works...
3. Speaking of graduating...I should graduate this December! I did have to take another semester than planned but I feel like I had a more manageable class load. I am happy to be done with school and onto a new chapter in my life.
4. Moving to a place of our own. I have loved having Sarah live with us, no regrets there. But come this summer it is time to have a place all to ourselves. I am so looking forward to this! Mostly just because I need to run to the laundry room to grab something and am not fully decent. Ah the little things in life.
5. Taking the electives for my major. I have had some choice the past year in my classes but this year it is all what I want it to be. If I don't want to take something, I don't have to. Best feeling ever.
6. Working out more. This isn't necessarily a goal but it is something I have been building as a habit. I am excited to see where it goes and how I feel about myself.
7. This is a silly one but I seriously thought the world could not end before this happened. The final book of my fantasy series comes out next week. Coincidentally, it is also Andy's favorites series as well. He has waited much longer than I have for this ending though. Trust me, it is a big deal to us, so much so we considered buying two books in order not to terrorize the other for the only copy. I gave in though and am letting him read it first. He is a much faster reader than I anyway.
8. Helping my mom with remodeling projects. Now that I have moved out and Danny will be gone for a little bit, that leaves more room to get projects done. I love home decorating and can't wait to help finish what we started 7 years ago.
9. Our first year anniversery, marking one down, eternity to go.
10. Getting to know Andy better. I thought I knew him pretty well, and then we got married. He has just so many weird, interesting habits that make me laugh everyday and I can't wait for what this year holds with him.
11. Seeing the paths that each of us take, and the others from high school. I still "stalk" random classmates from time to time. I find this so much fun.
12. Our trip to Disneyland. Andy said when I graduate we can go there and I am going to hold him to it. I want to do this before little ones come so I can spoil myself just a little and then later when we can go as a family I can focus on what they want to do. I am a kid at heart.
13. Seeing the little miracles that happen in my life. I am looking forward to seeing the Lord's plan for me this year and seeing how my testimony grows from life experiences. Bring on 2013!

I love you girls and I hope you all had as fabulous of a year as I did. Looking forward to all of us being together again!

Love, Kate

P.S. If you read all of this you are a champion and deserve a prize.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mac n' Cheese

I love the title of this post. Mac n' Cheese is my family's nick name for Mike and Chelsea. I don't know why, but I think it is adorable. The title also serves as a warning, this post may include lots of cheese. ;) I have been thinking a lot lately about doing this, and I feel like now is as better time as ever to record my thoughts. So, here we go.

What I love about Michael Keith Jenkins:

I love that we commonly share thoughts and ideas, often without saying a word. Ever since we quoted the same movie line simultaneously during an awkward silence, I knew he was someone I could get along with very well.

I love that he is just as much of a goof as I am. Even in my CRAZIEST times, he still manages to keep up.

I love that he is a perfectionist. And he still loves me, despite my imperfections.

I love that he is very agreeable to everyone. I can only think of one or two people that Mike really clashes with, and even then he still manages to be perfectly civil with them.

I love his drama. Oh, I love his drama. It cracks me up. I love how everytime he tells a story I can tell exactly who is in the story by the tone of his voice as he does his best to mimic theirs, without really trying or even noticing.

I love his voice. Even though it took me 5 months to finally hear him actually perform, I LOVE listening to him as we are driving in the car, singing in institute, or the time when I was overwhelmed and he held me in his arms and hummed "Be Still My Soul." (one of my favorite hymns. Even more so now.)

I love that he is a hopeless romantic.

I love that he loves chick flicks. And can still be an action movie fanatic at the same time.

I love his dreams. Talk about wild adventures.

I love watching him with kids, specifically his nieces and nephew Lilly, Tenison, and Aisley.

I love how never judges a book by the cover. He has a Christlike love for everyone he encounters.

I love watching him interact with my family. They love him! To illustrate the point, they always ask where Mike is whenever I come home to visit, before I even get so much as a, "Oh, hello!"

I love that he is a return missionary. Serving the Lord for two years was the best thing he could have ever done.

I love that he is a worthy priesthood holder. I cannot explain how powerful this is to me.

I love how much he cares and worries about me. When I was sick for a week, he never left my side, except to go to the store and get me a years supply of vitamin C, Niquil, and cough drops.

I love that he was the first man I kissed, and he gets to be the last.

I love him for being the kind of man I always dreamed of, but never really believed existed.

I love how he always hold my hand, rests his arm behind me, puts his hand on my knee while he is driving, etc....

I love that he tries so hard to be a good dancer. And his efforts pay off!

I love listening to him teach. He is super smart, and can probably come up with an answer to any question.

I love that he cannot surprise me or keep a secret from me to save his life. I also love that I can read his poker face like an open book.

I love his facial expressions.! I ALWAYS have a pretty good idea of what he thinking. I love his 'looks' that require no words.

I love his family. I look up to his siblings so much, especially Jenny and Michelle, the older sisters I never had. I love that they love me.

I love that he does and tries so many things to make me happy, and I love seeing how I have changed him. Country music, for example. :)

I love how he is so money-smart.

I love his respect for women, girls, and children. I love that he memorized the young women's theme a few years ago and can still quote it.

I love his spontaneity. I love that he thinks its great I laugh at his dumb jokes. He is right, I think he is hilarious.

I love how he thinks it is hot that I am in the army.

I love that he likes listening to me play the flute. And he even thinks I am pretty dang good.

I love that we can talk about anything in the world, or nothing at all.

I love that he picked out my ring by himself, and I absolutely LOVE IT. I seriously do not think I EVER could have picked one out for myself that I would love more.

I love that he treats me like a princess, loves me more than anything, and has promised the ultimate Happily Ever After: to take me to the temple to be sealed for time and all eternity on August 17th, 2012.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

To my girls

Oh heavens. I just came to scope out the blog to see if Kate had said anything about her Mr. ShmootzyPoo (can I say that Kate?? You do know that's a term of endearment for Tony/Andrew, right? Wait... can I have terms of endearment for other peoples' fellas??? Oh goodness. Moving on...) and realized, to my horror, that I never posted anything about Blake.

Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the epic-failer at keeping in touch and updating... (And the crowd goes wild.)

Oh bilge. Sorry girls! I did have some good phone chats though, (stickers for Kate's virtual star chart! Yay!) and thank goodness for that or we all would have woken up one day to find that I had a new last name!

Anyway, here's my apology and my thanks to you girls for being such gems to me now and forever. You girls are wonderful and I love you so much! I pray for your success and your happiness---the lyrics of Rascal Flatts' "My Wish" come to mind...

I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,
But more than anything, more than anything,

My wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold;
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.
But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

All my love, girls--
Love, Your Partner in Crime and Red High Heels