Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fearless with Longboards and Fountains

So I can say that I have had my "fearless" moment. Yes, the whole, "It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something, It's Fearless" applys here. Anyway quick background so that this all documented somewhere. My first week up here I met this guy named Colby. The first impression was that this kid was very attractive and probably already has the perfect Barbie girlfriend. Well, as the days went on I spent more and more time over at Merrill hall with my friends Cielle and Jessi. Colby lives and Merrill and was a regular part of our group. I at first thought he was a little older like 22 or something just because he has almost TWO bachelors degrees. Ya, the kid is super smart. It turns out though that he graduated high school in only one year and is only 18. My hopes were crushed a bit when I learned this but nothing had started so I just moved on with no regrets. I was still trying to figure Adam out. Well anyway, about threeish weeks ago we cuddled just a tad during the last part of a movie. Totally NCC....or so I thought. After that night Colby started inviting me over more and more and we followed that same general pattern which made me think if something was actually going on. So last Wednesday (one and half weeks ago) he took me on this "date" thing. He taught me how to longboard and we just rode all over campus. I am not too bad either. Far from an official skater chick status but we will work on that. After riding for a bit he stops over by the Fountains in front of the Student Center. We sit and just talk for a while about futures and goals. Might I just say that Colby knows where he is going and what he wants in life which is very refreshing. I like a guy with a plan. It was a little chilly from the night air and the fountains so his arm was around me. I feel just so comfortable around him. The stars were out so I sort of got my stargazing with a guy moment but there is room for more of that. Anyway, I confronted him about where this was going. I was trying to figure out where he was going with this. So he said, "well I can show you where I think it is going." At that moment he came in and kissed me. It was a cute little peck and was everything that a first kiss should be. I guess I have just had a couple of trial and error runs but this night was just plain perfect. I am very happy with what is happening right now and the more and more I get to know Colby the more I like what kind of person he is. Maybe I am just being a silly girl and blowing this way out of porportion but things are good. There now this moment is added to the red history. I love you girls :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Like Mother, Like Daughter: Part II

I know this may be a little behind the times, but just to level out the playing field for everyone...:)

News Flash::: HE DOES EXIST. I was wondering for a while whether or not I would ever meet this Mr. Brian Payne, or if my dad was just messing around with me. My dad also mentioned that he was asking about me, that he hasn't met me yet. We've been to a few drills together, but never saw hide nor hair of each other. Until recently....
I went to rehearsal, and noticed a new SPC in the back. I was trying to inconspicuously figure out if this was the mystery soldier, and sure enough, his name tape read, PAYNE. Score! Not a bad looking kid! (Funny thing: As I was trying to figure out who he was, I could tell he was doing the same thing to me. Hehehe.)
Anyway, long story short, I never could get enough courage to talk to him at a concert later that week. I decided to regroup my courage and talk to him on Governor's Day that saturday. I arrived early on saturday to help unload the trucks, and as I was taking a breather, guess who shows up behind me! Uh huh! Then he struck up a light conversation and we chatted for a few minutes before squishing together in a truck to ride to the other side of the stadium to the rest of the band. I know, I know, this really isn't that big of news, and I feel like I'm back in the Junior High/Miamaid way of handling all this (Oh my gosh, he LOOKED AT ME!! HE NOTICED ME! AHH!) We are much higher above that now, and seriously, all we did was talk and get to know each other for a few minutes. But it gets better.....
I came home and was telling my mom about my little excitement, "Mom! He talked to ME. HE talked to ME!! I didn't even have to try anything." My mom smiles and says, "You know, Governor's day was the first time Loren talked to me." AAHHH!! Hahaha!!! This is too great. I love it. The whole thing just makes me giggle like a school girl. :D So, if all goes according to plan, we will attend a concert at Kingsbury Hall at the U (which is very likely, since he studies music there) for our first date. Hmmm, wouldn't that be funny! I doubt something like that would really happen, but its still pretty amusing. We'll just have to see how this keeps going down. :) I'll try not to post anything unless it is some big important news, but I really wanted to share this little bit. :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Words fall short

I have such a testimony that we love those we serve. Girls, I think it's important to tell you that I am calmly, rationally, and happily falling in love with Jason. In a big way. I love to serve him. I really do! It really makes me love him more, and cultivates such a bond and strength in the friendship and relationship we are developing together. Words really do fall short of what I feel and think about where Jason and I are, where we are headed, and where we are going. I'm grateful for who he is, who he makes me want to be, who I make him want to be, and for the ways in which we inspire the best in each other and grow together in closeness and in mutual proximity to our potential and our Savior. Love is a many splendored thing. Life is a many splendored thing. Serve someone today. Cultivate the love of the Savior in a relationship with someone in your life--a family member, parent, roommate, or dear friend. I love you girls so much. Thank you for everything.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pornography and Repentance

There was a guy who I was beginning to get rather a close to he's in one of my classes and he was here over the summer. The more I talked to him the more I've been thinking why is it I'm not head over heels in love with you? You WANT to take every religion class offered on campus, you are involved in theatre, and sing and love Disney and have an interest in physics, mathematics, and mechanical engineering and we continue to have really amazing spiritual conversations, why am I not hard core in love with you. We were doing our religion homework together, and afterward he walked me home, we were talking for the next hour and somehow we became in contact with the subject of our pasts. I gave the run down of mine being, depression to self abuse to anorexia then the bright light which accompanies the marvelous atonement of Jesus Christ to bring forgiveness and a mighty change of heart. He briefly over viewed his past, which consisted of a portion involving pornography. I wanted to die. Oh Satan how much I hate you, you are so unkind to us. Knowing him now, I can see the repentance he has gone through and I know the atonement is so real besides in my life, I know because I can see it in his eyes. I am still very afraid, because I fear pornography. I am so grateful for the atonement of my Savior Jesus Christ who has made it possible for us to overcome our mortal faults and to grow to be better than we were before.

Well his name is Andy...

So once upon a time, because of course that's how all good stories begin, I was in the Smith building before my class started. I rushed in thinking class started sooner than it actually does and sat in the hallway and hurriedly grabbed out my measurements from my previous class to transcribe them, when the boy sitting diagonally from me began talking to me. It was of course small talk as that is how you introduce yourselves to each other as strangers. And after some brief talking he says, so what are you doing this weekend? Maybe we could go get some ice cream? So we exchanged numbers and decided we'd go out the next day. When I got home I realized, I just agreed to go on a date with someone I'd not ever seen before and have only known for the last 15 minutes (maximum!) And he would know where I lived and take me somewhere in his car, a somewhat uneasy thought. So a few minutes before he was supposed to come pick me up he called and I asked him where he wanted to go to get ice cream, then told him we'd have to walk, and that I'd meet him at the Spori building then we could walk over. I did and we walked down to the DQ and he my dear girlies was a PERFECT gentleman! He opened all doors, put himself between me and traffic, and brought a jacket with him in case I got cold! Then as we got closer to my house he asked how much homework I had because he didn't want to keep me out too late. I looked at my clock and told him, well actually I had scheduled to be with you til at least 9 so if you want I'm still yours. He said, I like the way you schedule. How about this, I take you home now you can get your homework in then go to sleep a little earlier, I know you're tired. OH MY GOODNESS!! What a champion! I said, OH! you love me! So he took me home and we've agreed to do something another time. I'm pretty sure this kid is AMAZING! and he my dear girlies, seems to be a keeper, I'll keep you posted on that ;) it was after all my first date with a handsome stranger.

Friendship and Botany

So I met a guy named Willis during my stay up here during the summer. Not met as in serious meeting more like "Hey, can you unlock this door for me?" So I did and we've kept talking and have done some casual hanging out since then. So a few days ago he asked me on a date, I told him I couldn't go. When he asked why I told him it was because he asked in a text message. So a couple days after that happened he came to my house and brought me a potted plant which I recieved when I got home. Oh dear! I didn't know what to do so we named the flower Karina and I texted him and asked, why did you bring me a plant? "because they were throwing them out at the ricks building and I thought you would like it." Since I didn't know what to say but I figured a gift required a thank you, and I also wanted to make sure he wasn't getting any wrong ideas of more than friendship so I said "oh! well thank you for this kind gesture of friendship and botany." I think it is very silly. Now I just need to find a way to make it clear to him that my interest is not as deep as his. oh dear..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Decisions, the Details of Our Lives, and a Declaration of Love,

Would you believe it? Jason and I are sitting next to each other productively studying. Emphasis on the word productively. I'm rather proud of our self-control, if I do say so myself. :)

I was talking to Chelsea today, and I concluded that my fate is in absolutely no way dependent upon red underwear. ;) Life's 'red' moments happen in accordance to our own choices. We choose our path. Every choice we make opens us to more opportunities in one area or another, or limits our ability to further choose or make decisions. Decisions really do determine destiny! Think of the road you took to get you where you are right this second. I'm in a study room in the Tanner Building (which I would NEVER be in if it weren't for Jason), on BYU campus (the magnitude and multiplicity of decisions that brought about that are astounding and inspiring), seated next to Jason Kay Woolsey (I don't even know everything that has played into that, but what I do know blows my mind and warms my heart), in modest shorts and a t-shirt (I am so eternally grateful to have been born in the gospel, under the covenant, to goodly parents!).

I'm not sure why I'm posting this--maybe to escape reading The Odyssey for just a little while--but I'll just end by saying that I testify the hand of the Lord is in the minute details of our lives. If we allow ourselves to be guided by the Holy Ghost's promptings--the quiet, inspired ideas that come to our minds--we will be led to the doors with the choicest blessings, the most sacred responsibilities, and the experiences we need to grow and develop into what and who our Heavenly Father needs us to become. I have realized for the millionth time in my life that happiness, contentment, and peace are cultivated and nourished in my life when it is Heavenly Father who is directing my paths.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

We have the promise, we know what to do, and we can do it.

Life is a beautiful thing, girls. I love being alive. :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Aaron Loves Me!

And by "loves" I mean, maybe, potentially, secretly has an interest in my life and/or existence. :)

Here's a little background: Aaron (my brother) has a friend from high school named Matt, who he isn't all that close to anymore, but still sees on occasion. Matt goes to BYU, and over Spring Semester was in the same ward as Jason. (What are the chances? BYU has the craziest connections and hookups!) Matt is evidently continuing at BYU this semester, because he saw Jason and me on campus last week.

So I was talking to my Mom today, and she says, "I mentioned something about you and Jason at the table last night and Aaron says, 'I had to find out from Matt that she had a boyfriend. He said he saw them together on campus and I had no idea anything about it.'" Do you know what this means?!? Aaron actually cared about something in my life!! ???? What?!?! I was way excited! I mean, I could be completely reading into this in an obsessive way, but I don't care. It warmed my soul!

I texted him today, and we had a conversation of 8 texts back and forth (so a total of 16!!!) I mean, many of his responses were one liner or one worders, but I don't care. That is SUCH a record! Woot! Good things are happening in life, girls! Hooray hooray, caloo callay! :)

Sorry to be a post dominator, but I love sharing my life with you.

Love you, girls!


P.S. MANY more updates to come on Monsieur Jason. :):) Wow. What a man. (Yes, that word did just come out of my mouth.):)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Good Mornin', Life :):):)

Okay girls...
#1: I can't quit smiling.
#2: We talk about red moments. How about a red days? Or weeks? :)
#3: I think you guys should youtube "Good Mornin' Life" by Dean Martin. (It's from the Return to Me soundtrack- so quality!) If you can listen to that song without smiling like a silly school girl, I'll be amazed.
#4: I really, really like Jason Woolsey. A lot. :)
#5: I do believe frozen yogurt (most girls would say ice cream, but you know me!) will be in order VERY soon. And it's on me... :)

There is a LOT more where this is coming from, but I'm spilling over with smiles and I thought I'd spill onto the blog. :) It'd be great to talk soon! I love you girls. :)

I guess all I can say is, Good mornin', life!!! :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

DayZero --- Be More

Okay girls, I have happened upon something that I think is worth considering. My new roommate introduced me to DayZero. Check out The idea is, you make a list of 101 Things you want to do in the next 1001 days. (Almost 3 years.) I like this! You know what this could be? What my singles branch RS President referred to as her "Marriage Bucket List." ME GUSTA! :)

I'm not saying we'll all make it through 1001 days without getting married, but this is the absolute time of our lives, girls! As nauseating, terrifying, annoying, and ________ing as these years can be, they are the greatest years so far! Better make em' count, because we can't get em' back.

Whether or not you check out DayZero, here's a shout out to do something today just a little bit "more." More outgoing, more reserved, more mature, more responsible, more loud, more introspective, more ridiculous, more by-the-seat-of-your-pants, more free-spirited, more plain, more crazy, more delicately, more rambunctiously, more carefree, more determined, more service-oriented, more girly, more tough, more you. :)