I know this may be a little behind the times, but just to level out the playing field for everyone...:)
News Flash::: HE DOES EXIST. I was wondering for a while whether or not I would ever meet this Mr. Brian Payne, or if my dad was just messing around with me. My dad also mentioned that he was asking about me, that he hasn't met me yet. We've been to a few drills together, but never saw hide nor hair of each other. Until recently....
I went to rehearsal, and noticed a new SPC in the back. I was trying to inconspicuously figure out if this was the mystery soldier, and sure enough, his name tape read, PAYNE. Score! Not a bad looking kid! (Funny thing: As I was trying to figure out who he was, I could tell he was doing the same thing to me. Hehehe.)
Anyway, long story short, I never could get enough courage to talk to him at a concert later that week. I decided to regroup my courage and talk to him on Governor's Day that saturday. I arrived early on saturday to help unload the trucks, and as I was taking a breather, guess who shows up behind me! Uh huh! Then he struck up a light conversation and we chatted for a few minutes before squishing together in a truck to ride to the other side of the stadium to the rest of the band. I know, I know, this really isn't that big of news, and I feel like I'm back in the Junior High/Miamaid way of handling all this (Oh my gosh, he LOOKED AT ME!! HE NOTICED ME! AHH!) We are much higher above that now, and seriously, all we did was talk and get to know each other for a few minutes. But it gets better.....
I came home and was telling my mom about my little excitement, "Mom! He talked to ME. HE talked to ME!! I didn't even have to try anything." My mom smiles and says, "You know, Governor's day was the first time Loren talked to me." AAHHH!! Hahaha!!! This is too great. I love it. The whole thing just makes me giggle like a school girl. :D So, if all goes according to plan, we will attend a concert at Kingsbury Hall at the U (which is very likely, since he studies music there) for our first date. Hmmm, wouldn't that be funny! I doubt something like that would really happen, but its still pretty amusing. We'll just have to see how this keeps going down. :) I'll try not to post anything unless it is some big important news, but I really wanted to share this little bit. :)
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