Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fearless with Longboards and Fountains

So I can say that I have had my "fearless" moment. Yes, the whole, "It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something, It's Fearless" applys here. Anyway quick background so that this all documented somewhere. My first week up here I met this guy named Colby. The first impression was that this kid was very attractive and probably already has the perfect Barbie girlfriend. Well, as the days went on I spent more and more time over at Merrill hall with my friends Cielle and Jessi. Colby lives and Merrill and was a regular part of our group. I at first thought he was a little older like 22 or something just because he has almost TWO bachelors degrees. Ya, the kid is super smart. It turns out though that he graduated high school in only one year and is only 18. My hopes were crushed a bit when I learned this but nothing had started so I just moved on with no regrets. I was still trying to figure Adam out. Well anyway, about threeish weeks ago we cuddled just a tad during the last part of a movie. Totally NCC....or so I thought. After that night Colby started inviting me over more and more and we followed that same general pattern which made me think if something was actually going on. So last Wednesday (one and half weeks ago) he took me on this "date" thing. He taught me how to longboard and we just rode all over campus. I am not too bad either. Far from an official skater chick status but we will work on that. After riding for a bit he stops over by the Fountains in front of the Student Center. We sit and just talk for a while about futures and goals. Might I just say that Colby knows where he is going and what he wants in life which is very refreshing. I like a guy with a plan. It was a little chilly from the night air and the fountains so his arm was around me. I feel just so comfortable around him. The stars were out so I sort of got my stargazing with a guy moment but there is room for more of that. Anyway, I confronted him about where this was going. I was trying to figure out where he was going with this. So he said, "well I can show you where I think it is going." At that moment he came in and kissed me. It was a cute little peck and was everything that a first kiss should be. I guess I have just had a couple of trial and error runs but this night was just plain perfect. I am very happy with what is happening right now and the more and more I get to know Colby the more I like what kind of person he is. Maybe I am just being a silly girl and blowing this way out of porportion but things are good. There now this moment is added to the red history. I love you girls :)

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