So, upon request, I've decided to post this little red moment on the blog. Enjoy!:
Wow, my surgery was quite the experience! I've never had such an encounter with hospital stuff before. IV's, heart monitors, being hooked up to all sorts of machines, being on my hospital bed in my hospital gown and hospital slippers... It was all very new to me. I was trying so hard not to be scared. As I lay on my hospital bed waiting to be wheeled into the operating room (at which point I'd part ways with mom, which I didn't like the idea of), Mom and I just kept talking about Jason and happy things. I was singing lovey-dovey songs and just trying to twitterpate myself and think happy things to shut out all thoughts of nervousness. (Which was evidently quite effective, I must say!) Finally, the nurse and doctor wheeled me away, and I said bye to mom as if I was out on some adventure. Keeping an adventurous outlook can make a scary thing so much less scary; I'll remember that this next week when I go back down to school. Life is one big adventure! Huzzah!
ANYWAY, my wonderful operating team was just so nice and warm and helped to further lighten things up. The operating room seriously had a feeling sort of like there was about to be a pizza party there for some little kid's birthday--talk about amazing reassuring skills of the medical team! We talked about school; my surgeon was pro-BYU, and my anesthesiologist was pro-Utah, so there was some playful banter there- all good and wonderful. I didn't remember anything after that, and I woke up later in my recovery room.
My mom came in and was shortly followed by Dr. Vanleeuwen, who had the cutest all-knowing smile on his face. After asking how I was, he paused for a little bit and asked, "Do you have a boyfriend?" A shy smile spread across my face. "What did I say??" "Well, right as you were going under, I said 'Pick a good dream...'" My response, in a sweet, sleepy little girl voice:
Oh I've already got that. It's Jason Woolsssey.
Who knew my subconscious could be so heartwarming? :)
I am so glad you posted this!! It is so cute! Just adorable. :) :) :) :) :) And I'm sure Jason got a kick out of it as well ;)