Thursday, July 22, 2010

Like Mother, Like Daughter?

The joke with my family is that I am very much like my mom in a lot of ways. Both flute players, both did colorguard in college, both want to be/are nurses, both joined 23rd Army Band, both did basic training, both got sent home from basic training the first time we tried to go for the same reason.... The list goes on. If my story continues like my mom's did, she met my dad in the band, they both went to the U, and now they are married. So, now the joke is "Hah hah hah, now you just need to find some cute RM in the band who goes to the U and marry him!" If only, if only... :) I've kinda blown that idea off, since they locked our unit shortly after I got in, due to the fact we were filled to 160% capacity. My only options were a single 30-year old guitarist, (whom my mother forbade me from looking at :) age difference...), and Anthony King (*cUtIe!!*), who is on his mission in Ft. Hood, TX right now. So, it looks like I have a while if I want to follow in my mom's footsteps. Or so it seems....
Here's a conversation that took place between me and mom at Sam's Club today:

"Dad says they got a new guy in the band while you were gone." -Heidi

"Oh really now?" -Chelsea

"Yeah. Return missionary." -H

"Uh oh." -C

"From North Carolina." -H

"Uh oh." -C

"25" -H

"Uh oh!" -C

"Came to Utah to go to a 'Mormon School', but didn't want to go as extreme as BYU, so he's going to the U." -H

"UH OH." -C

"Don't even think about it. Dad already told him we have some cute girls in the unit." -H

"UH OH!" -C

"I told him to knock it off." -H

"Awww...." -C

Haha!! I just absoulutely HAD to tell you girls, since you are all aware of my circumstances and questions, and why did I join the Army, what am I doing with my life..etc, etc, blah blah blah. This will be an interesting story to unfold! It has a lot of potential to go somewhere, and yet it also has a lot of potential to go absoulutely no where. So don't get your hopes up, I'm not, but the idea of it still makes me giggle, and I just had to share the laugh!!! I haven't even seen this kid yet, but hopefully I will catch a glimpse of him tomorrow. I'll let ya know what I think!

Better yet, I just found out he is indeed a percussionist!! Good night, this should be interesting!!!!

1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha oh snap! haha I love this story most dearly! I'm laughin like a fool by myself in my bedroom. :) oh dear.. I love it!
