Memorable Moments of 2015
1. Alyssa's wedding. Earlier than expected but it was perfect. I spent the night down in Delta with her the night before. It was only family and close friends so it made me feel special being there.
2. Andy started school. He is so close to be half way done. He took two classes in the summer (both A's) and then SIX this fall all while taking care of his crazy wife and working part-time (sometimes full time). He did that while getting 5 A's and one B. I am very proud of him.
3. I had 3 of my products launch for Young Living. These are products that I research, work with the vendor on prototypes, and then finally present to the owners to see if it meets their requirements. It is crazy to think people are buying what I made, but I am proud of all three and how well they are doing.
4. Going to Texas for convention was nice, but what made it great was spending two days with Annie and her family. It truly helped ground myself and remind me what I want and how I want to be. Thank you for the visit Annie. It meant more than you will ever know.
5. Disneyland! I got to go with some coworkers for one night. Not near enough time and not the exact company I wanted to be with, but it was wonderful. I love Disneyland and have only gone one other time when I was six. We are planning to do a family trip with the Cecotti family in 2017.
6. We met a miracle this year. Our nephew Tuck was born on October 1st. He was born with a hole in his diaphragm (CDH) which caused his digestive organs to grow in his chest cavity and suppressed his lung growth. Lacey had to deliver in Salt Lake and doctors had to immediately intubate Tuck since he couldn't breath. They were originally told them that Tuck had an extreme case and there was a chance he could not make it. His surgery was successful. He had/has a long road of recovery, but he has overcome so much. He has a tough little spirit and he alone has grown my testimony the most this year.
7. Tuck was released from the hospital on December 23rd. It was an emotional day. Prayers are answered. The Reed family was all together for Christmas.
8. Amidst this trial, Lacey spent 3 months living with us. I loved having her here and getting to know her better. She may think I am crazy now but I do feel close to her.
9. I have discovered a love for cross stitch. It has given me something to do while Andy is at work/homeworking. It makes me happy. :)
10. It might be pathetic but one of the "top moments" for me was seeing Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I may be a closet fan girl of Star Wars ever since I was six. It was pretty great seeing this new installment with Andy.
11.Grandma Dyson (Andy's Grandma) passed away in March this year. That was hard to go through. She is a wonderful lady and a great example. She seriously treats everyone like family. I am grateful that she is rid of her earthly trials and body, and she can be free to live in the presence of Christ.
12. I lost a little bit of weight. Not a lot but improvement. I got a Fitbit which has made me a bit more aware of my activity level. I can tell a difference in my endurance levels. I went to two trade shows for work this year. The first in March, I had to sit the second day because of the shine splints I had. The one in October though, I had no problem walking all day long.
13. I had a Durham Cousin dinner this year. It was great because I never see my Durham cousins. They are all older than me so I didn't really know them growing up. It was good to spend some time to get to know them.
14. While my sister was in town, I got to spend some time with her. She had a rough year last year with two adoptions falling through while they were in Ukraine. I opened up to her about our infertility troubles, and we shared our troubles with our father (now on his fourth divorce). It wasn't all gloom, but I definitely feel more connected and more understood. Sometimes I forget that I am not alone in a specific situation and I shut everyone out. I have worked on being more open with my trials. It can help me as well as others.
15. This is the first year in our marriage that we haven't moved. It turned out to be a blessing for Lacey so she could be close to Tuck. Andy points that out regularly. It is probably the real reason that we needed to move to Salt Lake, rather than closer to Lehi. It has been nice though not to pack up our lives again and start anew somewhere else.
We found that this year wasn't very eventful for us personally. We walked the same trials that we have been walking, but not much new came our way. We found this to be a blessing because we could be there for the many family members and friends that were going through difficulties.
*I took a break from finishing this post because of some sad family news. Tuck passed away on January 12th after being back in the hospital for one week with pneumonia. This was truly devastating and made me step back and reflect. I want to make sure that I make goals this year to better myself. There is too much bad in this world and I want to be less negative and bring more positive to the world. This year will be in remembrance of Tuck.*
Goals and Vision for 2016
2. We are looking to buy a home! We have to move North to have Andy finish school so we will be looking somewhere between Layton and Roy. I am excited to be back in the area we both love, even if it means taking the train to work.
3. With the home, I want to start home improvement projects. I want to explore decorating and tackle some cosmetic projects that I have been "researching" on HGTV for the past few years.
4. I have a goal to lose 50 lbs. This will take some work, but it isn't unreasonable for where I am and I know if I just put everything into it, then it is possible.
5. I want to read 12 books this year. I have slacked off reading and want to pick it back up.
6. I want to take a trip with Andy.
7. I want to finish two cross-stitching projects. (my big Disney ones)
8. I want to horse back ride more. Being closer to my mom's will make this a bit easier :)
9.I need to go to the temple more. I felt like I was on a spiritual high after Tuck went home. I knew prayers were answered and miracles happen. Him passing is a real trial of that faith. I know I can find peace in the temple.
10. I want to take more pictures. Now that Andy spoiled me with a new camera, I need to put it to good use and document our life better.
11. I want to budget well all year. We have never kept a budget. We have been lucky that things just work out month to month. I want to keep a budget all year and then look back on how financially successful we can be. It has been a goal of mine to take out no loans for Andy's school. So far, so good. I would love to make a real dent in mine by the end of the year. The real goal is to have my loans payed off by the time he graduates (2018).
12. Attitude. I want to be more optimistic. I tend to be more on the negative side in situations. I want to be a problem solver, and be more self-reliant. I believe if I improve on myself, then it will benefit others, especially Andy. He is probably the most affected by my depression and self-doubt.
13. I want to read the Book of Mormon and the D&C the whole way through this year. I need to create a habit of doing this in the morning so that my attitude throughout the day can be lifted.
14. I look forward to spending more time with my family this year. I have grown closer to some last year and I want to continue these relationships and build up others.
15. I look forward to finishing more products for Young Living and connecting with the members this convention. I love working for a company with such passionate members and owners.
16. 2016 started out with some major lows. However, I am a big believer in with negative comes positive. I am looking forward to recognizing the positives with more appreciation no matter how small the blessings may seem.
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