Friday, October 8, 2010

19 Reasons I love Chelsea Ann Clark!

Happy Birthday, Chelsea! Here are 19 reasons why I love you, (in no particular order)...

1. She's always the voice of reason I need gently encouraging me to calm down, chill out, lighten up, hang loose, run free, or be wild, depending on what the situation warrants.
2. She knows the benefits of angrily snarfing down carrots.
3. Chelsea is truly a gifted listener. I feel like she intuitively knows when to listen, when to advise, when to lighten the mood, and when to just sit and cry along with me.
4. I love Chelsea's facial expressions- they never fail to elicit a "wheezer" laugh out of me.
5. I always appreciated Chelsea's willingness to lead out with me in the flute section in band. She knows how to lead and how to follow; the truest and finest leader can do both.
6. Chelsea is a person who embraces challenges. That is so amazing to me! Chelsea has been a shining example to me that you should never shy away from something just because there's a chance you might fail. You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
7. I will always revere Chelsea for having gone through basic training. What an example of strength and willpower!
8. Chelsea has a way of gently quieting the rebellious, angry, defiant part of me that sometimes rears its head when I let it.
9. Having been the youngest, I love watching Chelsea be the "cool big sister." People who aren't the youngest don't ever really understand how big of a deal that is.
10. Chelsea knows who she is, and her actions reflect that.
11. She can relate to all the reasons I love Mr. Wayman, when so many other people wouldn't see passed the strictness or the intimidation factor.
12. She understands why I love Bulgy the Whale.
13. She's a red-high-heel struttin', combat-boot wearin', flip-flop chillin', wake-up-at-five-thirty-in-my-tennis-shoes runnin' kind of girl. :)
14. Chelsea dares to dream. And she doesn't just watch them float by in her mind. She has the grit and spunk to realize her dreams.
15. She knows how to be boy-crazy, and how to be a man-hater. (Or maybe I should say she knows how to be man-crazy, and how to be a boy-hater...) :D
16. She has a testimony that is shared in the way she lives and treats other people. I heard a quote in seminary once that I feel like applies to all three of you: "You may be the only scriptures a person you meet ever reads." You live your lives in ways that others see the light of the gospel through you.
17. Her positivity. What a gift she has developed! Who doesn't ever feel better after being around Chelsea??
18. I love her similarities to her mom. It makes me smile. :)
19. Chelsea Ann Clark, I love who I am because of knowing you. Thank you for the impact you have had on my life!

Here's to you and the last 19 years, Chelsea! The best is yet to be!
I can speak for all of us in saying that we love you!

Happy Birthday!!

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