I love the title of this post. Mac n' Cheese is my family's nick name for Mike and Chelsea. I don't know why, but I think it is adorable. The title also serves as a warning, this post may include lots of cheese. ;) I have been thinking a lot lately about doing this, and I feel like now is as better time as ever to record my thoughts. So, here we go.
What I love about Michael Keith Jenkins:
I love that we commonly share thoughts and ideas, often without saying a word. Ever since we quoted the same movie line simultaneously during an awkward silence, I knew he was someone I could get along with very well.
I love that he is just as much of a goof as I am. Even in my CRAZIEST times, he still manages to keep up.
I love that he is a perfectionist. And he still loves me, despite my imperfections.
I love that he is very agreeable to everyone. I can only think of one or two people that Mike really clashes with, and even then he still manages to be perfectly civil with them.
I love his drama. Oh, I love his drama. It cracks me up. I love how everytime he tells a story I can tell exactly who is in the story by the tone of his voice as he does his best to mimic theirs, without really trying or even noticing.
I love his voice. Even though it took me 5 months to finally hear him actually perform, I LOVE listening to him as we are driving in the car, singing in institute, or the time when I was overwhelmed and he held me in his arms and hummed "Be Still My Soul." (one of my favorite hymns. Even more so now.)
I love that he is a hopeless romantic.
I love that he loves chick flicks. And can still be an action movie fanatic at the same time.
I love his dreams. Talk about wild adventures.
I love watching him with kids, specifically his nieces and nephew Lilly, Tenison, and Aisley.
I love how never judges a book by the cover. He has a Christlike love for everyone he encounters.
I love watching him interact with my family. They love him! To illustrate the point, they always ask where Mike is whenever I come home to visit, before I even get so much as a, "Oh, hello!"
I love that he is a return missionary. Serving the Lord for two years was the best thing he could have ever done.
I love that he is a worthy priesthood holder. I cannot explain how powerful this is to me.
I love how much he cares and worries about me. When I was sick for a week, he never left my side, except to go to the store and get me a years supply of vitamin C, Niquil, and cough drops.
I love that he was the first man I kissed, and he gets to be the last.
I love him for being the kind of man I always dreamed of, but never really believed existed.
I love how he always hold my hand, rests his arm behind me, puts his hand on my knee while he is driving, etc....
I love that he tries so hard to be a good dancer. And his efforts pay off!
I love listening to him teach. He is super smart, and can probably come up with an answer to any question.
I love that he cannot surprise me or keep a secret from me to save his life. I also love that I can read his poker face like an open book.
I love his facial expressions.! I ALWAYS have a pretty good idea of what he thinking. I love his 'looks' that require no words.
I love his family. I look up to his siblings so much, especially Jenny and Michelle, the older sisters I never had. I love that they love me.
I love that he does and tries so many things to make me happy, and I love seeing how I have changed him. Country music, for example. :)
I love how he is so money-smart.
I love his respect for women, girls, and children. I love that he memorized the young women's theme a few years ago and can still quote it.
I love his spontaneity. I love that he thinks its great I laugh at his dumb jokes. He is right, I think he is hilarious.
I love how he thinks it is hot that I am in the army.
I love that he likes listening to me play the flute. And he even thinks I am pretty dang good.
I love that we can talk about anything in the world, or nothing at all.
I love that he picked out my ring by himself, and I absolutely LOVE IT. I seriously do not think I EVER could have picked one out for myself that I would love more.
I love that he treats me like a princess, loves me more than anything, and has promised the ultimate Happily Ever After: to take me to the temple to be sealed for time and all eternity on August 17th, 2012.