Anyway we drove around and ended up finding a neat park near Centerville. We started playing on this park toy and I thought I saw something in the distance so we decided to go check it out. It turned out to be a trail, and in the spirit of curiosity we followed it. As we were climbing I found myself looking back toward the lights and quite a few times feeling so good about what I could see that I just wanted to stop where I was and enjoy it from there. The farther we climbed the more amazing the sight became, till we were at the top and I was very anxious to be there. When we turned and looked at the valley it was so gorgeous, and I was really grateful we hadn't stopped half way. While I was looking at it I realized it was a lot like the gospel and how we start out and get pretty excited and continue on for a while till we reach a point where we feel like what we have is so amazing and that it couldn't really get better. When we keep going and not become complacent but continue and endure we find that we get more and more amazing knowledge and understanding till we finally reach the top. And I'm sure we'll find that what we have is better than anything we've had before and we are so grateful that we didn't stop when we thought it couldn't get better.
I just wanted to share that with my girls, because I love you.